with Annabelle's 1st brithday here and gone in a flash I found it basically impossible to blog at an appropriate time about it.
She is sooooo old!
No more baby here. We have a running, and jumping, and whining toddler over in our parts!
Annabelle loves:
clicking her tongue when she sees clocks
Grandpa holding her
Feeding Moe Bear his food one kibble at a time
Wearing Grandma's pearl necklaces
climbing the stairs
peeing on the bathroom floor right before getting in the bath
riding in her big girl car seat
kissing pictures of momo and the screen of the phone while face timing
music class with miss Katie
dancing and screaming to the cd great Grandma got her
playing with her old car seats
loving her baby doll, and feeding her
blowing kisses to everyone
stomping her feet in her new TOMS
shaking her head "no"
informing everyone that the fireplace is "hot"
Her favorite food is strawberries, cheese and bananas
She hates:
having phones/necklaces/keys/remotes taken away from her
when she isn't allowed up the stairs
Her vocabulary:
tick ta "(tick tock)
pop (bubbles)
gee (doggy)
She is more fun and rambunctious then ever! I am loving this age but boy does she wear me out!!
She is running every chance she gets. And is Miss Destruction.
My favorite things to do with Belle are music class, tickle time, and reading her favorite book,"my good morning book" and "my animal book". She loves that I imitate all of the animals while burrowing in her neck and tickling her.
Her birthday was a blasty blast!
There was a bunch of appetizers,delicious desserts and sooo many happy faces! Thank you everyone who came and made that day extra special for us and Annabelle!!!!
She recieved sooo many cute clothes and great gifts!
One of her favorites is the new big girl nap mat, from Aunt Barb. She pulls it out everyday!
Here is Dada showing her how to use it on his lunch break:
She received a ton of really cute spring clothes which will all debut in Texas while we are there for the wedding!
Momo (texas grandma) surprised her with her first cake and tons of balloons!!
Auntie Lindsay was sweet enough to bring her camera and take some really beautiful photos!!
best frannnnnns
little jealous of Ella's pony tail
lots of new books!
saying POP to the bubbles
I made this little guestbook thingy to hang in her room :)
And strung the balloons on her shoes and placed them around the room.
I made her a baby friendly cake with less sugar and a banana glaze frosting.
It wasnt as beautiful as the one for the adults from the bakery (see below) but she LOVED it because it was yummy and we decorated it like a clock. :)
My birthday was a few days later and Lindsay was kind enough to have this photo blown up and framed for me. I can't wait to hang it in our new house.
I can't wait for more birthday parties to come. She had sooo much fun!
I so wish we could have been there!