Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's been a year...

I just can't believe that it has been a year since all I could say all day long to Adam was,

And then February 11th, at 2:11pm she arrived :)

I was thinking I have never openly shared her birth story on here and her birthday might be a great opportunity to do so.

Wednesday, February 9th

I start to feel what I think is painful contractions. I can't get comfortable and keep going from laying on Adam's lap, walking laps in our dining/living room, to the exercise ball, to all fours on the floor. 
They subside enough for me to fall asleep in our bed around 11pm. 
My mom goes to bed early knowing that its going to be a long night.

Thursday, February 10th DUE DATE
I wake up at 2am with contractions, I roll over and tell Adam to start timing them. They are already 6 minutes apart. I let my mom sleep until they have lasted an hour. 
We call the Doctor Chouchani (the best doctor in the whole wide world!!!!) and he says meet me at the hospital.
We arrive and I start to feel much more painful contractions. 
They put me in a pre-admittance room where they monitor your contractions and make sure you are ready to be admitted. I lay there for 2 hours on the most uncomfortable table/bed while they monitor my contractions. I squeeze Adam's hand with everyone and moan in pain. 
Around 6 am they tell me I can either be admitted and will not be able to shower or eat anything because they are going to hook up meds, or I can go home and wait for my water to break.
I jump at hearing the words HOME.
I make Adam stop at manhattan bagel and get an Everything Bagel toasted with cream cheese and stuff it faster then humanly possible into my face. 
I sleep from 8am-1pm.

I rest all day and am so glad I didn't stay in that cold hospital and just lounge with my mom.
Adam goes to work for half the day.

We eat a delicious dinner my mom makes and watch a Sabres Game. Then welcome back contractions.
I am doing exactly what I was the night before...changing from every position I can think of. 
I take a shower knowing it will be the last one I take with the baby in my belly.
Of course I am still peeing every 10 minutes, so as I am in the restroom I feel my first REAL contraction.
It makes the others feel like a tickle.
I scream. 
No I let out a wretched horror movie scream.
My mom does not like that and says "We are going to the hospital."

This time its real. I know there is no maybe we are staying maybe we arent. 
They take me immediately into a room, no pre admittance room this time. 
They could probably tell by my face that it was time. 
We arrive in the room at 10:30pm and the resident that is on duty asks if I would like my epidural now.
I am at 6 centimeters.
I for what ever rediculous reason tell him, "No, I think I would like to wait as long as possible." I think I wanted to test out the pain and see if I could handle it.
Which I couldn't.

1230am February 11th 
Hello Epidural. 
I had seen the needle while doing some research and knew that under no circumstance did I want to see it in real life. And boy am I glad I didn't see it because it was nerve racking already. I can't imagine it would have gone well.
By 1am lights are out and we are all trying to get come sleep.
2am, "umm Adam?"
"Something is happening, but I don't know what"
Adam pulls the sheet back, and by pull of course I mean rips it back, "oh my gosh! I think your water just broke."
Doctor/resident comes in, "Holy Cow, it's like Niagra Falls in here. Wow!" 
Thanks young, nice, smart, resident man. Thanks for making me feel less awkward about having a complete stranger guy down in my private places. Ya jerk.
No but really he was nice and did help lighten the situation a bit. haha.
Now at 8 centimeters.
Then we sleep.

 I can't get comfortable due to the numbness from the epidural, and my mom does everything she can to try to help. Ice chips, rearranges pillows every 10 seconds, and wet wash clothes, and just talking to me about anything.

At 7 a.m. the epidural starts waring off and the machine that monitors the bag of medicine starts going off. 
 nurse comes in and tells me my bag of the epidural is out and she needs to order for a new one so I may start to feel the contractions again. 
Thirty minutes later the new bag comes in and I am able to feel everything slightly but not terribly. 
A half hour later, completely numb again. Then at 8 a.m. it wears off again.

It is a shift change so the nurse comes in and I fill her in on how the other one ran out and she practically tells me I am a liar because a epi bag should last 12 hours.
She goes to get the anesthesiologist, its a new one because of the shift change, and he tells me he is going to give me a stronger concoction.

It continues to ware off. 

By 9a.m. I can feel everything but because of the heavy dose I have encountered through the morning of epi's I still can't move my legs. So adam and the nurse are rearranging my body for me every two minutes when the contractions come. 
My doc comes in and tells me that my body has had as much drugs as I can possibly have and I am still at a 8, then informs me that I have another bag of fluid. 
Yes you heard right, I am the lucky owner of two bags of water, so he breaks my second bag. 
He then makes another joke about water...

11 a.m. 
I am finally at 10 and I start pushing, and pushing and pushing.

Did I mention the back labor this whole time?!?!?!!
Adam had to be pushing on my back at all times and said he could feel her feet. She was trying to lower herself into my pelvic by pushing on my back.

I start getting so mad around 12:30pm because nothing is going according to plan and tell them I can't do it anymore.

At one thirty my doctor comes back and brings in his protege, a beautiful young woman and his son :), they are talking in doctor lingo while going back and forth feeling my cervix. I am screaming my lungs off in pain and they tell me "well she doesn't look like she's going to fit,you did everything you could, but we are going to have to go to a c section" 

By this point I am begging for the c-section and my poor mom is crying in the hallway because she cant handle hearing me scream in so much pain and I am pretty sure I wasn't being very nice to Adam or the nurse.
They shoot me up in the same spot as my epidural and tell me that this one will work faster and that in ten minutes I will be on the table numb and holding Adam's hand while they pull our little girl out.
Well sure enough ten minutes and I am on the table and they are poking me and I can feel everything!! 

Yep, that's right folks. THE MEDS DIDN'T WORK!!

They tell Adam he can't come in because the injection isn't working. I hear them 
whispering to eachother pretty much saying "I can't believe she isn't numb" 

I remember hearing my doctor and his son saying things in there doctor lingo, and asking me to stop moving my legs. Then I told the nurse holding my hand, "I'm not moving my legs!" 
They were shaking in shock.

So then the gas came and then everything went black.

February 11, 2011 @ 2:11pm Annabelle Rose arrived :)
 First to hold her <3

Although I wasn't the first person to hold her, and I didn't see her for the first 30 minutes after she was born I do want to applaud the speediness of the whole c-section. Within a half hour of me finding out I was going to have a csection, I was having it done. So 1:30p.m. they tell me, she was born at 2:11pm and I was in recovery awake holding her by 3p.m.

It wasn't what I planned
It was the scariest experience of my life. its literally hard to relive it as I type it, but holy moly was it a beautiful miracle! I mean look at this little angel that came from it!!!!

With momo
Hello World :)
grandma and grandpa

I love what one of my girlfriends said about the whole thing, "it's like your body said I can do this on my own, get these drugs outta here!" So the next baby I am considering trying to do it without the epidural, but lets get real.....

Turns out I had a high fever and an infection in my placenta during the whole labor. So I had to stay extra long at the hospital. 
Which looking back now was probably a blessing. Gave us a couple extra days to transition into parents while still having 3 meals a day made for me! haha

Spent our first valentines day together in the hospital
Annabelle also helped get a tumor out that probably would have gone undetected for a very long time. So I am tumor free now and completely healed.

No baby fever yet either!

She fills so many lives with so much joy, I don't know that I want to cramp her style with a sibling for a long long while. 

1 comment:

  1. You made me made me cry. It's such a blessing to experience childbirth but at the same time it's like a tiny nightmare. I love how one year later you can recall minute by minute. Let's see if I can lol.
