Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Demo begins!!!

So we closed on the house on a Wednesday,
Adam went over that night and tore down a wooden shelving unit/storage closet that night,
had a brace put in where a wall was bowed on that thursday,
and Friday the basement guy finished up with some drain tile.

Talk about hittin the ground running on this renovation thing!

From that point on Adam and his dad have basically been there everday after work, and sometimes during work hours measuring rooms, figuring out what they need to do what, and then putting their plans into action.

So this was the kitchen before demo...

 {bye, bye metal cabinets!}
{bye, bye walls!}
 {the two different wall papers that were on the walls}
 {first wall down!}
 {really opened up the space!!}

{both walls down!!!}
The next thing happening is the far wall, (the one that the ladder is leaning on) will come down and be rebuilt out three feet from where it exists now.

So a huge shout out to  Uncle Mark and Aunt Kathy, they drove all the way from Plymouth to help kick off this renovation! Uncle Mark had a great time with the guys tearing down walls, ya know doin the fun dirty job that is demo! And Aunt Kathy was soooo helpful! We have a ginormous tree in the back yard that lost all of its leaves and covered our entire backyard in a think blanket of leaves and she hauled all of those leaves to the street with Adam's mom. It was so sweet of them to rive up just for the weekend to get their hands dirty!! Thank you!!!!

Also Uncle Kevin was visiting from NYC and he brought his strength in to tear out the cabinets and coutertops!!

Strength in numbers when it comes to demo!!!

It's all really really happening! I feel like Adam and I and his parents have been talking about it for so long that it would never actually be happening! Kind of like how I felt about being pregnant so unexpectedly, like yes this is happening to me but I am so overly excited for the outcome that I feel it will never be here! But guess what, I had a baby and we are renovating a kitchen!! 

Jeez, life can be so surprising!!

I am so lucky to have Adam and his family, especially his parents. They are just as excited to do all of this as we are! Plus they have already done it once with an old victorian house downtown, and built their own house when Adam was 3 months old, so the experience will help tremendously!!

Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see progress...and, of course, the final product! renovating is so much fun!!
