Thursday, November 17, 2011

Schedule Schmedule!!

Annabelle cut two more teeth last week, making that a grand total of 5 teeth she has now. 

So her sleep patterns have been anything but patterns. She sometimes sleeps from 8:30-7:30 waking up twice through the night needing a bottle (we got her off feeding through the night when she was 5 months old, so it is very frustrating) 730p.m.-6a.m. or some nights it's 11p.m.-9:30-a.m. <<<that was a gift from God himself!! I have never slept that late with her EVER. It was a glorious morning! But of course I paid for that sleeping in by staying up extra late that night. 
On top of it all she now has a cold too, so we put a pillow under her head so she can breathe better and it has helped tremendously. She is sleeping through the night again! with no feedings!! yay!

So I have decided to try to only allow her one nap thru the day...her usual schedule before the cold and teething that has been working for us for 4 months now was as follows;

7:30a.m. wake up, eat 8o.z. bottle
9:30a.m. eat solid food, fruit or veggie
10:30 or 11 a.m. nap 1-2 hours, 8o.z. bottle
1:00p.m.-1:30p.m. eat solid food, veggie
3:30-4:00p.m. 8oz bottle, 1 hour nap
6:30 solid food veggie and fruit
7:30p.m. bath
8:00p.m. 8 oz bottle 
8:30 rock to sleep

We go through these motions lately and while rocking her to sleep she keeps her head down but is talking, laughing, playing with mommas hair, or daddy's sweatshirt strings, basically doing anything but closing her eyes and going to sleep. I think we are allowing her too many naps. I think, but literally might be pulling this out of thin air, that she should be moved to one nap per day.

So my question is, at what age do you move them from multiple naps to only one? 

Tuesdays we have swim class and she plays so hard that she falls asleep in the car and then that toally messes up nap time for the rest of the day, because she still wants to take two naps but they get later then they should be and then she stays up late and it ruins the rest of the week. 

So today is trial 1 for one nap a day! I will let ya'll know how it goes but if anyone has an suggestions about how to morph nap schedules let me know!!!

And now I'll give you guys the good of our booboo
{dayday reading to her (have I mentioned that she calls him dayday instead of dada...cutest thing ever)}

{her little purple velvet outfit from grandma B}
{trying to eat her bandaid after they pricked her finger}
 {showin off some teeth}
 {ho the weather outside is weather!}
 {cool mittens}
{I love this coat!}

1 comment:

  1. when i nannied for a family, i started when one of the girls was 13 months and she didn't move to one afternoon nap - which was 2-3 hours until around 17 months. i know elliot is a lot younger but he sleeps anywhere from 3-4 naps a day and then sleeps like 12-13 hours at night, getting up once around 4 to nurse. i just try to feel him out and put him down when he tells me he is tired. sometimes he just sleeps for 35 minutes and other times, like today, he sleeps for 3 hours straight. they say that a restful day promotes a restful night, so naps are good.
